نوع مقاله : علمی-پژوهشی
فاقد سازمان، پژوهشگر آزاد
عنوان مقاله [English]
نویسنده [English]
Persian Meters are based on the patterns of long (–) and short (U) syllables. The most important and difficult problem of the Persian prosody has been the coding and classification of meters since ancient times. Prosodist invented many methods to classify Persian Meter but their method aren’t perfect. The most disadvantage of their method are: Complexity , Non-scientific method, Unable to classify all posible meter, Unable to define unique Code for every Meter. An ideal classification must be: Comprehensiveness (Capable of Coding and Classify All possible meter), Unique and Simple Code for Meter, Simplicity, based on scientific rule. Author use a mathematical method (Binary Prosody) for coding (Bianry Meter Coding) and classifing (Binary Family-Meter). Binary Coding convert any poems meters to a hexadecimal code and then classifying it based on this code. It is a mathematical method and one can code and categorize all the rhythms. For example, the rhythm of «بنیآدم اعضای یکدیگرند» is “- U - - U - -U - - U “ and it can be converted to “10110110110”. This binary string (including 0 and 1) can be converted to the hexadecimal number of #5B6. In other words, every poem rhythm has a unique code. After that Binary Family-Meter method classify this string to #6/3/11 as Binary Family-Meter Code.
The advantages of this method are: Scientific method, A unique code for any rhythm, Simplicity, Universality (not being depended on a unique culture or language).
کلیدواژهها [English]