A Diachronic Study of the Stylistic Components of Persian-Language Newspaper Headlines with Emphasis on Syntactic Characteristics (Case Study: A Study of Effective Syntactic Characteristics in the Style of the First Headlines of the Information Newspaper of 1978 and 2020)

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1 Linguistics Department, Faculty of Literature and Humanities of Dr. Ali Shariati, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran

2 Linguistics Department, Faculty of Language and Literature of Dr. Ali Shariati, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran


In this article, the writers have tried to study the syntactic structures of the first headlines of Ettela’at newspaper. Using these structures determined the writing style of the newspaper in two different periods The main research questions are as follows: "What syntactic features can be introduced as stylistic components to examine the writing style of the first headlines of the newspaper?" and " What has changed in these features of the Ettela'at newspaper of 1978 and 2020?" For this purpose, after giving an introduction regarding the importance, reason and how to choose the subject, Some previous related researches have been mentioned as background. Then, The research method and method of collecting data, choosing sample and categorizing the samples is provided. After that, since the article is related to both stylistics and generative grammar, a brief description of these topics are presented as a theoretical framework. In the discussion section, according to the examples provided, such things as the use of noun phrases and independent sentences, the use of verbs with imperative mood and subjunctive mood, the Relative rate of using of extraposition processes and topicalization, and the number of conjuncts are examined. It is found that there are significant differences in the first news headlines of this newspaper in 1978 and 2020 based on the mentioned cases. We also concluded that the tendency of journalists in 2020 to use finite clauses as the first headline, the use of subjunctive mood, and the use of extraposition was greater than in 1978. We also found that the tendency to use topicalization and the use of conjuncts in news headlines was higher in 1978 than in 2020.
