A Philosophical-Islamic Viewpoint to the Problem of Meaninglessness of Religious Statements

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The viewpoints of Russell and Wittgenstein in the beginning of twentieth century made philosophy of language in the center of philosophical attitudes. The meaningfulness of statements was the core of attention. They made the meaningfulness of statements in ethics, religion, aesthetics and metaphysics in doubt. The logical positivists, after them, like A.J.Ayer, accounted religious statements meaningless (not untrue) by their criteria of verifiability and falsification for meaningful statements.
In this paper, the problem of meaninglessness of religious statements which is posed by Anthony Flew and the solutions in the views of Richard Hare, Basil Mitchell, John Hick and Ian Crombie will be examined. Then the problem and solutions will be evaluated. At the end, a new answer to the problem from an Islamic philosophical viewpoint will be introduced with a clarification of some problematical account of religious beliefs.

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